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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Eggs Benedict

N decided to make eggs Benedict and fruit bruschetta which turned out amazing!

Take a look!

First she made the hollandaise sauce and kept it warm in a thermos. After learning from last time, if you re-heat hollandaise, it is completely ruined. Then she moved on to make the poached eggs and spinach. For the eggs she allowed the water to come to a boil, then added the white vinegar (allows the eggs to stay separated). While keeping a close eye on the eggs, she heated up a skillet with melted butter, and garlic for the spinach. In addition to watching both the spinach and eggs, she was toasting English muffins. N said the only hard part aside from the poached eggs is getting the timing right, everything only take a few minutes so you really had to watch everything to make sure nothing was overcooked.

On the side she cut up strawberries and mixed in some blueberries for the fruit bruschetta. Then she toasted Challah bread, and spread butter and cinnamon on top. Once that was finished, she added the fruit and plain vanilla yogurt.


1 comment:

  1. How did the eggs turn out? They look over done. Can you ever kick someone out of supper club... just saying.
